One of the most inexpensive and effective ways of revitalizing a home is by changing the interior paint. You’ll be amazed at how much new life you can inject into a space by merely coating the walls with a new, rich, vibrant color. Painting also allows you to repair minor blemishes in your wall, fill in holes, and close up unsightly cracks. By following a few easy steps, you can transform the ambiance of your living space into something warm, stylish, and modern. Read on for your step-by-step guide for effective Portland Interior Painting.

Portland Interior Painting

Interior painting makes for an excellent do-it-yourself weekend project. Materials are inexpensive, and there are almost no technical components to complicate the undertaking. Painting can be somewhat time-consuming, and the preparation does inhibit your natural routine until the work is done. Professional contractors are available for interior painting jobs if your schedule just doesn’t allow you to dedicate the time to the task. Interior painting consists of the following steps:

  • Preparation
  • Prime
  • Paint
  • Clean-up



It’s a good idea to move furniture out of the room or away from the walls prior to painting. Spills and brush spatter are commonplace while painting, so it’s best to protect your expensive belongings as much as possible. A drop cloth over remaining furniture and around the floor of the room goes a long way to preserving your valuables. It doesn’t make sense to try to save time by skipping the preparation if you end up destroying your possessions.

Once you have removed furniture and cleared off the walls, you should inspect them for cracks, holes, or other blemishes. Fill in holes with Spackling. Allow the Spackling to dry for at least two hours, then sand the excess. While you’re waiting for the Spackling to dry, you can use painter’s tape to protect windows, door frames, and any other object you don’t wish to paint.


A coat of primer can go a long way towards further covering up blemishes and creating a good surface for your final paint coat to adhere to. A coat of primer is particularly important if you’re going to change your room from a dark color to a light color. Use a brush or an edging tool to apply primer around windows and at the floor and ceiling. You can do the edges either before or after you apply primer to the walls. After the primer has been applied, examine the wall and use a fine grit sandpaper to sand away blemishes.


Follow the same procedure for applying your paint as you did when applying the primer. You’ll notice that the first coat takes the most paint, with less paint used in all subsequent coats. It’s likely that your paint will dry to a slightly different shade than it has when it’s wet, and this will guide your application. Allow the paint to dry for a few hours between coats. Some paints provide adequate coverage after only one coat, and some might require two or three. You’ll be able to judge whether a new coat is warranted after the paint has dried.


Remove all paint and paint material from the room before you remove the drop cloths. Brushes, trays, and rollers can either be washed and stored for later use, or thrown away. Be careful when removing the painter’s tape. The paint can dry over the tape and sometimes gets pulled away from the wall when the tape is removed. It is a good idea to lightly run a razor blade along the tape so that tape removal does not remove the paint.

Congratulations on Your New Room!

You can completely transform the ambiance of a room in as little as one day. Contact ProFleet General Contractor for a quote and let them efficiently handle all the complexities of your dream room renovation. With a quick phone call, you can be well on your way to a whole new home experience. Who knew that Portland Interior Painting could have such a positive transformative effect on your living space?